At Home Holiday Games

By Catherine Hamilton

For most, the holidays are about spending time with those closest to us, whether that’s our family, partner, friends, or a mixture.

Of course, this festive time of year is made even better by the cozy weather, incredible food and – of course – holiday games, which makes time with our loved ones even more enjoyable, and ensures that we’re able to create incredible memories and fill the holiday season with joy and laughter.

With his in mind, here are the top 4 holiday games you should try with your loved ones to boost the festivities.

🎄Guess the number of decorations on the tree.

After you’ve decorated your Christmas tree – one of the most notable activities of the holiday season – you create the perfect opportunity to host a festive competition.

Whether it’s just you and your partner taking a stab at the number of ornaments you have on your tree, or you get all your family and friends involved at a holiday party you host, it’s fun to see who can get the closest estimate.

And of course, whoever guesses closest gets a holiday-themed prize, which can range from not having to partake in the clean-up on Christmas day, to receiving an extra present on boxing day.

😜 Christmas ‘never have I ever’

Most people have heard of – and played – never have I ever: the game in which players take a sip of an alcoholic drink (or, for non-drinkers, perform some sort of festive forfeit) when they’ve done something another participant states they have ‘never’.

For the holiday edition, however, it’s a fun twist on a classic to make these statements holiday themed – for example, “never have I ever told a child Santa Claus isn’t real” or “never have I ever tried egg nog”.

⌛️Holiday-themed scavenger hunts

Another entertaining festive competition you can host for your loved ones is the holiday themed scavenger hunt.

One of the most quintessential parts of the holiday season is decorating our homes – so why don’t you and your partner turn it into a game for your family and friends?

See if your holiday guests can find each of the holiday decorations you’ve made part of the hunt – each of which will give them a clue that will lead them to the next – until eventually they complete the hunt and find the ultimate festive prize.

🍻A Christmas movie drinking game

There are tons of amazing Christmas films that we love to watch with our partners and families each year – and to make them even more enjoyable, it can be fun to add a drinking game to the mix, and host a Christmas-movie-drinking-night.

From Die Hard to Elf, there are tons of pre-made drinking rules you can find to go with your favorite Christmas movies.

Or, if you have a favorite you watch over and over again with your loved ones, you can make up your own rules, based on your favorite bits of dialogue and the most commonly said festive phrases.

If you’re looking for ways to keep things spontaneous & fun, be sure to check out our date night boxes!

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